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Personal Injury

Justice For Your Personal Injury Claim.

Compassionate legal support for personal injury claims.

Have you been hurt in an accident?  You may have suffered an injury:

  • at work
  • in a public place
  • in a road traffic accident
  • or in other scenarios

As well as being in distressing pain, you may be in turmoil.  Your injuries may impact your income, family and social life, affecting your happiness and security. The consequences may be life-changing and catastrophic.

If you’re suffering after an accident and need to make a personal injury claim, it can be tough to know where to begin.

From the minute you contact us, we will spend time getting to know you to understand the needs and concerns you have.  We will reassure you that we can address them.  And make the process of fighting for compensation as straightforward and stress-free as possible.

Unlike other law firms who have a ‘call-centre’ approach, you will not be passed from pillar to post.  You will receive experienced personalised personal injury legal advice from a solicitor you can trust.

Most cases are pursued under ‘no win, no fee’ agreements giving you the confidence to fight your claim without taking any financial risks.

We are unusual and rare in that we represent both Claimants and Defendants. Hence, we know what the other side will be thinking and what they are likely to do next.  This puts our clients at a huge advantage.

Count on us to be fearless in the pursuit of your claim, to get you justice and your life back on track.

Time limits

Most people usually have three years to bring a claim.  The time limit normally starts from the accident date.  However, in some situations the rules are different and time limits are shorter.

If you do not act in good time then you may lose your right to bring a claim. It can be difficult to move forward at the last minute.  Please don’t leave things too late, instruct a personal injury solicitor as soon as possible.

How long will it take?

Much depends on your recovery and the stance of your opponents.

It is unwise to conclude a personal injury claim until a time when you are sure you have reached your maximum recovery. Otherwise you run the risk of being under-compensated.

If your opponent is refusing to enter into settlement discussions or wishes to contest your claim, then court action may be required.

As a broad rule, straightforward claims take 6 to 18 months to conclude.  More complex ones can take between 2 to 4 years.

Interim Payments & Rehabilitation

Compensation is not the entire picture. With our legal input, you can obtain the rehabilitation, medical treatment (whether physical or psychological) and other support you need to achieve the best possible recovery.

You may require interim payments to pay off any debts which have accumulated during your recovery period.

We are experienced in guiding you through these steps.

How much compensation may I receive?

At Harry Suleman Solicitors, we understand that every personal injury case is different and that the consequences of the same injury will vary between individuals.

Hence, any figure will be personal to you. As experienced personal injury solicitors, we have many years of expertise in accurately valuing personal injury claims and fighting hard to achieve the outcome you deserve.

We’ll provide expert help and advice for your personal injury claim, including guidance on how we can accurately value your claim and fight for the outcome you deserve.

Size of claim

We have the specialist knowledge and experience required to handle personal injury cases of all sizes and complexity, including those resulting in multiple injuries, amputations, brain injury, and spinal cord injury claims.

Second opinion

If you are unhappy with how your existing case is being handled, then please speak with us. A transfer of your claim may be possible.

Professional negligence

We have experience of pursuing solicitors and barristers who have badly handled personal injury claims, resulting in very poor outcomes. This may be a growing area as a result of many cases across the country being handled by inexperienced or unqualified staff, who may have excessive workloads.

Just ask Harry about your personal injury claim.

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